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Paranormal Signs Investigations - Season 4

In the fourth season, the team from "PSI - Parnormal Signs Investigations" once again finds itself in unknown places, in abandoned ruins and mysterious haunted houses. Alex, Jürgen and Sonja are faced with unusual locations and unexpected challenges. How close can they get to the afterlife this time?

Episode 1: "The Haunted Castle" Part 1

P.S.I. Paranormal Signs Investigations Season 4

Pottendorf Castle was once one of the most important moated castles in Lower Austria. Now the building, which dates back to the 12th century, is only a shadow of its former self. Once magnificent and majestic, today only the bare skeleton rises coldly into the sky. For some, a desolate sight, for paranormal investigators, a dream come true. The PSI team follows the traces of centuries-old history.

Running time: 84 minutes
Subtitles: English
FSK: 16+
Published: October 15, 2021 ( D | US | GB )

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Episode 2: "The Haunted Castle" Part 2

P.S.I. Paranormal Signs Investigations Season 4

The investigation in the moated castle is coming to a head. Everything indicates that the ghost of a former owner who once lost his life here in a fatal accident is trapped in the walls. But was it really an accident? Or does the lost soul's cry for help come from a completely different background? Since there are no reliable records of the tragic death, it is up to the investigators to find out what really happened.

Running time: 97 minutes
Subtitles: English
FSK: 16+
Published: November 15, 2021 ( D | US | GB )

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Episode 3: "Signals from the Otherworld"

P.S.I. Paranormal Signs Investigations Staffel 4

The mystery of some places seems impossible to solve, but giving up is not an option, even if common sense keeps whispering warnings. After the last, threatening incident in Kuenburg, the whispers are getting louder. But the PSI team still dares to visit this dark location again. As a challenge for themselves and as a baptism of fire for the new investigators.

Running time: 118 minutes
Subtitles: Currently unavailable
FSK: 16+
Published: December 15, 2021 ( D | US | GB )

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Episode 4: "Hidden Resting Place" Part 1

P.S.I. Paranormal Signs Investigations Staffel 4

The dream of living on your own farm. A life surrounded by flora and fauna... This abandoned farm in Austria is anything but idyllic, because hidden in the middle of the extensive grounds is an old, forgotten cemetery. But the dead refuse to find peace and do not tolerate the living. They mercilessly scare away anyone who sets foot on the land. The PSI team wants to find out why the afterlife stands in the way of this world.

Running time: 84 minutes
Subtitles: English
FSK: 16+
Published: January 9, 2022 ( D | US | GB )

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Episode 5: "Hidden Resting Place" Part 2

P.S.I. Paranormal Signs Investigations Season 4

Die Untersuchung am Bauernhof geht weiter. Was erwartet das Team noch? Können die Ergebnisse bestätigt werden? Wer ist dort, auf der anderen Seite? Und vor allem: gibt es ein Leben nach dem Tod?

Running time: 86 minutes
Subtitles: English
FSK: 16+
Published: February 5, 2022 ( D | US | GB )

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Episode 6: "The Haunted Castle" Part 3

P.S.I. Paranormal Signs Investigations Season 4

What really happened in the Pottendorf castle ruins? When evaluating the last investigation, the suspicion of an "accident" in the tower became more and more apparent. Can the team find out more about this? All possible resources have been brought together for this purpose. The team is going all out.

Laufzeit: 90 Minuten
Untertitel: Derzeit nicht verfügbar
FSK: 16+
Veröffentlicht: 14. März 2022   ( D | US | GB )

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Episode 7: "The Haunted Castle" Part 4

P.S.I. Paranormal Signs Investigations Season 4

Unvorstellbar viele EVPs. Verrücktspielende Geräte. Ein kalter Hauch in einer windlosen Nacht. Was hält die Schlossruine noch für das Team bereit? Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung werden den Teammitgliedern noch sehr lange in Erinnerung bleiben.

Running time: 94 minutes
Subtitles: Currently unavailable
FSK: 16+
Published: April 8, 2022 ( D | US | GB )

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Episode 8: "Dark Energies"

P.S.I. Paranormal Signs Investigations Season 4

In order to introduce the new team member to this interesting and active place, the team set off again to the Cemetery of the Nameless. This episode is not called dark energies without reason. One of the friends definitely felt this.

Running time: 105 minutes
Subtitles: Currently unavailable
FSK: 16+
Published: April 16, 2022 ( D | US | GB )

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Episode 9: "Auf neutralem Boden" Teil 1

P.S.I. Paranormal Signs Investigations Season 4

To conduct an experiment, the team went to a place that had not recorded any special events in the past. The aim was to find out whether the souls of other investigation sites could be contacted from a neutral location. But here too, it quickly became apparent that no place is without a past.

Running time: 91 minutes
Subtitles: Currently unavailable
FSK: 16+
Published: May 7, 2022
( D | US | GB )

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Episode 10: "On Neutral Ground" Part 2

P.S.I. Paranormal Signs Investigations Season 4

To conduct an experiment, the team went to a place that had not recorded any special events in the past. The aim was to find out whether the souls of other investigation sites could be contacted from a neutral location. But here too, it quickly became apparent that no place is without a past.

Running time: 91 minutes
Subtitles: Currently unavailable
FSK: 16+
Published: 7 June 2022 ( D )

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