In the fifth season, the team from "PSI - Paranormal Signs Investigations" is also investigating well-known haunted places, such as abandoned ruins and haunted houses. Exciting locations and numerous phenomena await Alex, Jürgen, Melissa and Sonja. Through risky experiments, the team tries to answer the question of all questions: do ghosts really exist?
Episode 1: "Assaults" Part 1

A familiar place - a new challenge. When the PSI team last investigated the phenomena in the private household, they found that an increased concentration of electrosmog could be responsible for the events. But now a new call for help has come in. The events are worse and more threatening than ever before. Is the danger of a supernatural nature?
Running time: 71 minutes
Subtitles: Currently unavailable
FSK: 16
Published: 28 September 2022 ( D )
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Episode 2: "Assaults" Part 2

Nachdem das Team einige Zeit im Haus verbracht hat, müssen sie feststellen, dass nicht nur ihre eigenen Kräfte schwinden, sondern auch die Geräte mehr und mehr Fehlfunktionen aufweisen, die über die üblichen Störungen weit hinausgehen. Als sie schließlich ein Phänomen mit der Kamera einfangen, dass physikalisch nicht zu erklären ist, ahnen sie, dass sie es mit einer außergewöhnlichen Präsenz zu tun haben.
Running time: 84 minutes
Subtitles: Currently unavailable
FSK: 16
Published: October 2, 2022 ( D )
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Episode 3: "Frontier Sciences" Part 1

For old and new members of the team, a visit to the Kuenburg is a must, as the most exciting paranormal phenomena can be documented here time and again. For Dominik and Melissa, this is the first time they have explored this place. They use the K2 meter, Ouja board, etc. to try to uncover the secrets of the house.
Running time: 69 minutes
Subtitles: Currently unavailable
FSK: 16
Published: 8 November 2022 ( D )
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Episode 4: "Frontier Sciences" Part 2

Während auf dem Dachboden das Ouija-Brett verstärkt zum Einsatz kommt und den Ermittlern auch körperlich einiges abverlangt, liegt im Erdgeschoss der Fokus auf der Nutzung des Portals. Langsam aber sicher wandelt sich die Atmosphäre in der Kuenburg und lässt das Team wissen, dass weder sie, noch ihre Ermittlungsmethoden hier willkommen sind.
Running time: 89 minutes
Subtitles: Currently unavailable
FSK: 16
Published: 22 December 2022 ( D )
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Episode 5: "Frontier Sciences" Part 3

Who or what is playing a strange game with the investigators and who are they really communicating with? The evidence is mounting that someone is trying to mislead the team. As numerous as the energies are in this place, the work is confusing and tiring for the individual members of PSI.
Laufzeit: 75 Minuten
Untertitel: Derzeit nicht verfügbar
FSK: 16
Veröffentlicht: 5. Jänner 2023 ( D )
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Episode 6: "Failed Seance III" Part 1

Der letzte Besuch der Herberge liegt nun schon 1 Jahr zurück. Mehrfach wurde versucht das Gebäude abzureissen, doch jedes Mal kam etwas unvorhergesehenes dazwischen. Das Team war der festen Überzeugung dass das Gebäude längst nicht mehr existiert. Umsomehr war Alex über den Anruf des neuen Besitzers verwundert. Nachdem auch dieser mehrmals furchtbar erschreckt und von einer Pechsträhne verfolgt wurde, ersuchte er das Team von PSI den Phänomenen nochmals auf den Grund zu gehen. Die 5 Freunde warnten schon damals davor das Haus abzureissen ohne den Seelen zu helfen und wurden ausgelacht. Die Vermutung lag nahe, das diese Ermittlung nicht einfach werden könnte, aber mit dem was das Team erwarten sollte hat bei weitem niemand gerechnet.
Running time: 74 minutes
Subtitles: Currently unavailable
FSK: 16
Published: 11 February 2023 ( D )
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Episode 7: "Failed Seance III" Part 2

The PSI team last visited the old hostel over a year ago. The building should have been demolished by now, but strange events have repeatedly prevented the house from being razed to the ground. Are the souls still present there holding a protective hand over their eternal home?
Running time: 87 minutes
Subtitles: Currently unavailable
FSK: 16
Published: March 5, 2023 ( D )
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Episode 8: "War Relics" Part 1

Full of curiosity, the friends of PSI decide to visit a familiar place again. It is a bunker from the wartime on the outskirts of Vienna. Equipped with more equipment and a larger team, the team sets off. New and already forgotten experiments are to be carried out in order to get as many answers as possible. Can communication be established again with the souls of the wartime that remain there?
Running time: 80 minutes
Subtitles: Currently unavailable
FSK: 16
Published: April 7, 2023 ( D )
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Episode 9: "War Relics" Part 2

Full of curiosity, the friends of PSI decide to visit a familiar place again. It is a bunker from the wartime on the outskirts of Vienna. Equipped with more equipment and a larger team, the team sets off. New and already forgotten experiments are to be carried out in order to get as many answers as possible. Can communication be established again with the souls of the wartime that remain there?
Running time: 65 minutes
Subtitles: Currently unavailable
FSK: 16
Published: 1 May 2023 ( D )
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Episode 10: "War Relics" Part 3

Full of curiosity, the friends of PSI decide to visit a familiar place again. It is a bunker from the wartime on the outskirts of Vienna. Equipped with more equipment and a larger team, the team sets off. New and already forgotten experiments are to be carried out in order to get as many answers as possible. Can communication be established again with the souls of the wartime that remain there?